Oil painting by Pam Cundiff
If you would like to help, each Service Dog will need the above equipment. You may purchase this exact vest from Active Dogs.Com for $89.99. The patches are extra.
2 black & green backpacks with three patches. A 'Service Dog' patch placed as shown in the photo plus a 'Working Dog' patch placed on the opposite side with a 'Do Not Pet' patch placed under the 'Working Dog' patch.
you for your help in purchasing the service dog backpack. Right now we need one for training.
you for your help in purchasing the service dog backpack. Right now we need one for training.
Each dog being trained will need the following:
Nylon Martingale Collar (18"-26") $22, Cargo Crate $139, ex large Kuranda Bed $93, Kong Zippered Bed Cover $24, 6' lead $10, 20' training dog lead $14, Dog Pet Hands Free Training Treat Bag $10, Herm Sprenger Curogan Prong Collar $58, 3 extra Curogan links $12 each, Nylabone $20, dog training treats, dog bed, dog tag $10.
Each dog will need hip x rays, health check, shots, microchip. Estimate is $1350.
Each dog will need protection training which I can't provide. Estimate is $4,000.
Nylon Martingale Collar (18"-26") $22, Cargo Crate $139, ex large Kuranda Bed $93, Kong Zippered Bed Cover $24, 6' lead $10, 20' training dog lead $14, Dog Pet Hands Free Training Treat Bag $10, Herm Sprenger Curogan Prong Collar $58, 3 extra Curogan links $12 each, Nylabone $20, dog training treats, dog bed, dog tag $10.
Each dog will need hip x rays, health check, shots, microchip. Estimate is $1350.
Each dog will need protection training which I can't provide. Estimate is $4,000.
To donate using Cash App or PayPal, please click the button below. I live on Social Security so I can't pay for those things out of my pocket, but I CAN and DO donate my time.
Help me help an American hero receive the Service Dog of their dreams at no cost to them. Thank you!
Help me help an American hero receive the Service Dog of their dreams at no cost to them. Thank you!