Ellie's Training Begins
Ellie Mae will begin receiving formal training in 2013.
A fully trained service dog could cost over of $35,000, but because of volunteers and the big hearts of our local veterinarians, the cost is reduced to around $3,500. I could not have accomplished any of this without my friend's connection through NABS. She extended her help in getting the support and contributions of three local veterinarians: Dr. Gregg Knape, of Gulf Coast Large Animal Clinic, Dr. Amanda Hoffpauir of Alvin Animal Clinic, and Dr. Robert Langley of Dr. Bob’s Animal Hospital. These veterinarians have donated their time and services to make sure the animals being selected are also healthy and sound. They do physical exams, hip x-rays, and provide other medical services to make sure the candidate is strong and healthy prior to a year of training.
The puppy was given to Michael at no charge to the family! Anytime a puppy is chosen to be a Service Dog, it doesn't mean that dog will have the right personality for service work. Ellie Mae is still maturing and right now she's hyper and full of bounce. She has a submissive urinating problem when approached by strangers. Ellie Mae is going to be a challenge for me, but I'll do my best and I must have faith she will be what she was intended to be.
Michael's mom is hopeful Ellie Mae will make the grade, but says even if she doesn't, they'll love her. Here we are needing a miracle again, Lord. This time I am waiting and watching for one. "Through God all things are possible."
Michael and Ellie Mae together! She is heeling for him, and sat for him! I went a few times and tried to work with her, but she was just too hyper. We waited and in the interim, Pam E used what she learned and look what she did! This is all from HER doing! I'm so proud of you, Pam E! If you hadn't worked with her yourself, I might have given up on her. Now that I know she can be taught and she will listen and follow commands, we have got this knocked out of the park! YOU DID IT PAM E!!!!
When a Christian met a stranger in the road in the first centuries after Christ, to distinguish friends from foes, the Christian drew one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt with a stick or with his sandal as they chatted. If the stranger drew the other arc, both believers knew they were in good company and they could talk freely without fear of the Romans who murdered, beat, or imprisoned Christians for their faith in Jesus Christ.
When a Christian met a stranger in the road in the first centuries after Christ, to distinguish friends from foes, the Christian drew one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt with a stick or with his sandal as they chatted. If the stranger drew the other arc, both believers knew they were in good company and they could talk freely without fear of the Romans who murdered, beat, or imprisoned Christians for their faith in Jesus Christ.
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